Cascades Female Factory.

Project: Cascades Female Factory History and Interpretation Centre
Client: Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority
Project Team: Curio Projects (Jody Steele, Gemma Davie and Matt Nix), milangkani Projects (Zoe Rimmer and Theresa Sainty), Jonathan Hearn Landscaping, and Red Arrow.  
Project Scope: A multi-sensory indoor and outdoor interpretive scheme for the new History & Interpretation Centre at this World Heritage listed site. The interpretive scheme provides the CFF with an experience that immerses the visitor in the history and significance of the site and supports the delivery of onsite educational tours and programs.


Zoe Rimmer

“Our approach to this project was to create an interpretive conduit between the past, the present and forward into the future. Creating connections between people and place, we used the opportunity of a distinctly female space to communicate the many histories of the site.”

Theresa Sainty

“For the first time, the Aboriginal stories associated with this place have been brought to life through collaboration with the Pakana community.”

Images Courtesy Cascades Female Factory


Robert Andrew, Mona